20 Creeds
The Roku Jutsu System of elite close quarters combat has six belts and each belt has 10 techniques, making a total of 60 techniques that must be performed instinctively and naturally before being promoted to Black Belt. Each of these 60 techniques work in synergy and harmony with the 20 Creeds listed below, without exception.
#1 Be positive
#2 Walk Upright #3 Expect to get hit #4 Protect your hands #5 Energy beats power #6 Control the distance #7 Keep your kicks low #8 Avoid the bear’s cave #9 Don’t prefer the ground #10 Throw as many as it takes |
#11 Hands together, feet apart
#12 Find the economy of motion #13 There’s always someone better #14 Never defend beyond the threat #15 Never engage when you can avoid #16 Always assume there’s more than one #17 Instinctive and natural proves mastery #18 Keep all movements to three steps or less #19 Accuracy and stealth beat speed and power #20 Speed is for stopping and power is for dropping |